Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys

Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
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A Midsummer Ramble in the Dolomites
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11,16 €*

Amelia B. Edwards
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Nor is this surprising when we consider the nature of the ground lying within the area just named; the absence of roads; the impossibility of traversing the heart of the country, except on foot or on mule-back; the tedious postal arrangements; the want of tele graphic communication; and the primitive quality of the accommodation provided for travellers. A good road is the widest avenue to knowledge; but there is at present only one good and complete road in the whole district - namely, the strada regia which, traversing the whole length of the Ampezzo Thal, connects the Venetian provinces with Lower Austria. Other frag ments of roads there are; but then they are only fragments, leading sometimes from point to point within an amphitheatre of mountains traversed only by mule-tracks.
Nor is this surprising when we consider the nature of the ground lying within the area just named; the absence of roads; the impossibility of traversing the heart of the country, except on foot or on mule-back; the tedious postal arrangements; the want of tele graphic communication; and the primitive quality of the accommodation provided for travellers. A good road is the widest avenue to knowledge; but there is at present only one good and complete road in the whole district — namely, the strada regia which, traversing the whole length of the Ampezzo Thal, connects the Venetian provinces with Lower Austria. Other frag ments of roads there are; but then they are only fragments, leading sometimes from point to point within an amphitheatre of mountains traversed only by mule-tracks.

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