Internal Ballistics

Internal Ballistics
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James Atkinson Longbridge
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Shortly afterwards I presented a paper to the Institution of Civil Engineers on Guns considered as Thermodynamic Machines, which was published in the Minutes 01 Pro ceedings,' vol. Lxxx., 1884 - 85 and in 1887, I printed a small pamphlet on Internal Ballistics, which, however, was only circulated among a few friends. The subject of Internal Ballistics appears to have met with comparatively little attention in this country, and although the researches of Dr. Hutton are very valuable, they, owing to the change of conditions, are inapplicable to a great extent to the present time.
Shortly afterwards I presented a paper to the Institution of Civil Engineers on Guns considered as Thermodynamic Machines, which was published in the Minutes 01 Pro ceedings,' vol. Lxxx., 1884 — 85 and in 1887, I printed a small pamphlet on Internal Ballistics, which, however, was only circulated among a few friends. The subject of Internal Ballistics appears to have met with comparatively little attention in this country, and although the researches of Dr. Hutton are very valuable, they, owing to the change of conditions, are inapplicable to a great extent to the present time.

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