Historical Researches of Gouldsboro, Maine

Historical Researches of Gouldsboro, Maine
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Daughters of Liberty
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. N compiling these researches, the authors have en deavored to present facts relating to the formation of the town, its history and progress in industrial and educational lines. Exhaustive inquiry has brought to light data supposed to be lost. The older inhabitants of the town have delved deep in memory's store-house and brought forth jewels precious to those who love the hills, the rugged shore line and wooded landscape of their native town. Friends far and near have added information of statistical and historical interest, that the sturdy and unremitting toil of our pioneers may serve to exemplify a spirit to be perpetuated by rising generations, ever remembering that the public school is the key to the future of the American Republic.
N compiling these researches, the authors have en deavored to present facts relating to the formation of the town, its history and progress in industrial and educational lines. Exhaustive inquiry has brought to light data supposed to be lost. The older inhabitants of the town have delved deep in memory's store-house and brought forth jewels precious to those who love the hills, the rugged shore line and wooded landscape of their native town. Friends far and near have added information of statistical and historical interest, that the sturdy and unremitting toil of our pioneers may serve to exemplify a spirit to be perpetuated by rising generations, ever remembering that the public school is the key to the future of the American Republic.

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