Manuals of the Duties of Poor Law Officers

Manuals of the Duties of Poor Law Officers
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Master and Matron of the Workhouse
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73,04 €*

William Golden Lumley
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. He should be prudent and decorous in his con duct as respects all, but particularly as regards the females, and he should be guarded and tem perate in his language and demeanour. He should be sober in his diet, cleanly in his person, and orderly in his behaviour. He must be ever active in his supervision of the Workhouse and the inmates, careful in watch ing the various incidents and accidents which occur in it, preserving order and sobriety of con duct among the inmates, keeping them employed, as far as practicable, in useful labour. He should be attentive and soothing to the sick, and should provide for the peaceful end of the dying and their decent burial.
He should be prudent and decorous in his con duct as respects all, but particularly as regards the females, and he should be guarded and tem perate in his language and demeanour. He should be sober in his diet, cleanly in his person, and orderly in his behaviour. He must be ever active in his supervision of the Workhouse and the inmates, careful in watch ing the various incidents and accidents which occur in it, preserving order and sobriety of con duct among the inmates, keeping them employed, as far as practicable, in useful labour. He should be attentive and soothing to the sick, and should provide for the peaceful end of the dying and their decent burial.

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