Historical and Traditional Sketches of Highland Families and of the Highlands

Historical and Traditional Sketches of Highland Families and of the Highlands
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John Maclean
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Of the author, or perhaps I should more properly say, the reciter of these tales, it would not become me, his son, to speak in. Terms of praise. I may, however, say, without exposing myself to censure, that from his infancy he gave a greedy ear to the recital of old stories; and when, as at was, and still is, the custom of the country, the fathers, grandfathers, and patriarchs of the town assembled together in the winter evenings and told the tales of other times, he would sit in the chimney nook in wrapt attention listening to their conversation. This predilection of his youth grew with his growth, and strengthened with his years.
Of the author, or perhaps I should more properly say, the reciter of these tales, it would not become me, his son, to speak in. Terms of praise. I may, however, say, without exposing myself to censure, that from his infancy he gave a greedy ear to the recital of old stories; and when, as at was, and still is, the custom of the country, the fathers, grandfathers, and patriarchs of the town assembled together in the winter evenings and told the tales of other times, he would sit in the chimney nook in wrapt attention listening to their conversation. This predilection of his youth grew with his growth, and strengthened with his years.

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