The Spinning and Twisting of Long Vegetable Fibres (Flax, Hemp, Jute, Tow,& Ramie)

The Spinning and Twisting of Long Vegetable Fibres (Flax, Hemp, Jute, Tow,& Ramie)
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A Practical Manual of the Most Modern Methods as Applied to the Hackling, Carding, Preparing, Spinning, and Twisting, of the Long Vegetable Fibres of Commerce
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12,55 €*

Herbert R. Carter
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. In undertaking this work, the author's aim is to provide a practical guide to the spinning of the long vegetable fibres. He hopes that he has succeeded in writing in such a way that the book will be useful, not only to the technical student, but also to practical men like himself. When it is borne in mind that the same general principles underlie the preparing and spinning of all the long vegetable fibres, and that it is merely in details that the processes differ somewhat by reason of the coarseness or special nature of the fibres, it will not be considered that the author has undertaken too much or that it is impossible to furnish in one volume a practical handbook describing the treatment of so many fibres.

It is hoped that even experts will find something new and interesting in the perusal of these pages, which the author has tried to make as up-to-date as possible.
In undertaking this work, the author's aim is to provide a practical guide to the spinning of the long vegetable fibres. He hopes that he has succeeded in writing in such a way that the book will be useful, not only to the technical student, but also to practical men like himself. When it is borne in mind that the same general principles underlie the preparing and spinning of all the long vegetable fibres, and that it is merely in details that the processes differ somewhat by reason of the coarseness or special nature of the fibres, it will not be considered that the author has undertaken too much or that it is impossible to furnish in one volume a practical handbook describing the treatment of so many fibres.It is hoped that even experts will find something new and interesting in the perusal of these pages, which the author has tried to make as up-to-date as possible.

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