Shakespeare Explained a Reader’s Guide

Shakespeare Explained a Reader’s Guide
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Forrest Sumner Lunt
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. This Guide was prepared for the purpose of assisting the general reader to a better understanding of the plays of William Shakespeare.

The opportunity to visit libraries, consult reference books and glossaries is not given to all who would like to know the plays of the great English dramatist. The Guide is intended to suggest to such readers the type of questions which any thoughtful reader should ask and which he can answer, even though he may not have an intimate knowledge of notes, historical references, or of play making.

Mr. Arthur Brisbane's Introduction to the International Edition of Shakespeare will materially aid one who is reading for pleasure in appreciating the plays and poems.
This Guide was prepared for the purpose of assisting the general reader to a better understanding of the plays of William Shakespeare.The opportunity to visit libraries, consult reference books and glossaries is not given to all who would like to know the plays of the great English dramatist. The Guide is intended to suggest to such readers the type of questions which any thoughtful reader should ask and which he can answer, even though he may not have an intimate knowledge of notes, historical references, or of play making.Mr. Arthur Brisbane's Introduction to the International Edition of Shakespeare will materially aid one who is reading for pleasure in appreciating the plays and poems.

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