Life and Reminiscences of Hon. James Emmitt

Life and Reminiscences of Hon. James Emmitt
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As Revised by Himself
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M. J. Carrigan
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. When the series of articles which compose this book was commenced, I had no thought that they would ever be compiled and issued in this form. They were only the detached reminiscences of one, whose career has extended over a long period of time, and who has naturally been brought in contact with a great many noted persons, who are now almost forgotten. From my long and intimate connection with the men and measures connected with the early history of our state, it was thought my recollections would prove interesting matter for newspaper readers, and worthy of preservation in that form. But, as the articles appeared from time to time, many interesting facts were developed concerning the early pioneers of this section, the struggles and hardships undergone in the development of the country, and our gradual advance in the arts of civilization.
When the series of articles which compose this book was commenced, I had no thought that they would ever be compiled and issued in this form. They were only the detached reminiscences of one, whose career has extended over a long period of time, and who has naturally been brought in contact with a great many noted persons, who are now almost forgotten. From my long and intimate connection with the men and measures connected with the early history of our state, it was thought my recollections would prove interesting matter for newspaper readers, and worthy of preservation in that form. But, as the articles appeared from time to time, many interesting facts were developed concerning the early pioneers of this section, the struggles and hardships undergone in the development of the country, and our gradual advance in the arts of civilization.

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