A Narrative of the First Introduction of Christianity Amongst the Barolong Tribe of Bechuanas, South Africa

A Narrative of the First Introduction of Christianity Amongst the Barolong Tribe of Bechuanas, South Africa
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With a Brief Summary of the Subsequent History of the Wesleyan Missions to the Same People
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Samuel Broadbent
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. After having been occupied as a Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary at Cape Town, with the Rev. B. Shaw, I joined the Rev. E. Edwards in Little Namacqualand. In the midst of our work, among the Hottentots at Khamies Berg and Reed Fountain, I received instructions from the Missionary Committee, in London, to attempt the formation of a Mission station in the Bechuana country. Immediately, without conferring with flesh and blood, I commenced preparation for the arduous journey, in which I was to be accompanied by my wife and child, and maidservant.

We were told that; owing to long-continued drought, it would be impossible to cross the desert that lay between us and the Great River, until rain fell.
After having been occupied as a Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary at Cape Town, with the Rev. B. Shaw, I joined the Rev. E. Edwards in Little Namacqualand. In the midst of our work, among the Hottentots at Khamies Berg and Reed Fountain, I received instructions from the Missionary Committee, in London, to attempt the formation of a Mission station in the Bechuana country. Immediately, without conferring "with flesh and blood," I commenced preparation for the arduous journey, in which I was to be accompanied by my wife and child, and maidservant.We were told that; owing to long-continued drought, it would be impossible to cross the desert that lay between us and the Great River, until rain fell.

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