Minor Dialogues

Minor Dialogues
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Together With the Dialogue on Clemency
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L. Annaeus Seneca
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. I can say little by way of preface of Seneea's Minor Dialogues which I have not already expressed in my preface to De Beneficiis, except that the Minor Dialogues seem to me to be composed in a gloomier key than either the De Beneficiis or De Clementia, and probably were written at a time when the author had already begun to experience the ingratitude of his imperial pupil. Some of the Dialogues are dated from Corsica, Senecas place of exile, which he seems to have found peculiarly uncomfortable, although he remarks that there are people who live there from choice. Nevertheless, mournful as they are in tone, these Dialogues have a certain value, because they teach us what was meant by Stoic philosophy in the time of the Twelve Caesars.

I have only to add that the value of my work has been materially enhanced by the kindness of the Rev. Professor J. E. B. Mayor, who has been good enough to read and correct almost all the proof sheets of this volume.
I can say little by way of preface of Seneea's "Minor Dialogues" which I have not already expressed in my preface to "De Beneficiis," except that the "Minor Dialogues" seem to me to be composed in a gloomier key than either the "De Beneficiis" or "De Clementia," and probably were written at a time when the author had already begun to experience the ingratitude of his imperial pupil. Some of the Dialogues are dated from Corsica, Senecas place of exile, which he seems to have found peculiarly uncomfortable, although he remarks that there are people who live there from choice. Nevertheless, mournful as they are in tone, these Dialogues have a certain value, because they teach us what was meant by Stoic philosophy in the time of the Twelve Cæsars.I have only to add that the value of my work has been materially enhanced by the kindness of the Rev. Professor J. E. B. Mayor, who has been good enough to read and correct almost all the proof sheets of this volume.

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