Cathlamet on the Columbia

Cathlamet on the Columbia
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Recollections of the Indian People and Short Stories of Early Pioneer Days in the Valley of the Lower Columbia River
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Thomas Nelson Strong
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Modestly does the author of these tales refer to them as perhaps of little worth; but he has made a work which though small in com pass, shines with a quality that endures. It is an unusual book. It possesses savor and sincerity, exactness and charm. Pioneer incidents are told with the warmth that comes of long saturated experience. The Indian scenes are more somber, as befits the race, but related in mellow tones that make the almost forgotten aboriginal live. They embody rare facts of value to the historian and ethnologist. Over all broods the back ground of river and fir.
Modestly does the author of these tales refer to them as perhaps of little worth; but he has made a work which though small in com pass, shines with a quality that endures. It is an unusual book. It possesses savor and sincerity, exactness and charm. Pioneer incidents are told with the warmth that comes of long saturated experience. The Indian scenes are more somber, as befits the race, but related in mellow tones that make the almost forgotten aboriginal live. They embody rare facts of value to the historian and ethnologist. Over all broods the back ground of river and fir.

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