Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards and Index

Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards and Index
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J. B. Campbell
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Dana H. Kelsey, Superintendent, and concluded under the administration of Mr. Gabe E. Parker, Superintendent. The writer wishes to thank these sev eral gentlemen for the uniform courtesy extended to him and to Mr. George Bixby, who compiled theoriginal data. Also do I wish to thank the several heads of the Departments, and clerks in charge, for the courtesies extended to me by them. I trust that in no way have I over-stepped the limitations im posed on me. There are some items of data which I desired to incorporate in this Ah stract, but permission to get this data was denied me. I was informed at the time, the reason for denying me, and while, as it was then suggested to me, I might go over their heads and get the information, I had no thought of doing so. I appreciated the position of the department. If it be possible at any near future date to get the dates of selection of allotment, and copies of the annotated Creek rolls, I will do so and have these published and sell at a nominal price to the subscribers of the present work.
Dana H. Kelsey, Superintendent, and concluded under the administration of Mr. Gabe E. Parker, Superintendent. The writer wishes to thank these sev eral gentlemen for the uniform courtesy extended to him and to Mr. George Bixby, who compiled theoriginal data. Also do I wish to thank the several heads of the Departments, and clerks in charge, for the courtesies extended to me by them. I trust that in no way have I over-stepped the limitations im posed on me. There are some items of data which I desired to incorporate in this Ah stract, but permission to get this data was denied me. I was informed at the time, the reason for denying me, and while, as it was then suggested to me, I might go over their heads and get the information, I had no thought of doing so. I appreciated the position of the department. If it be possible at any near future date to get the dates of selection of allotment, and copies of the annotated Creek rolls, I will do so and have these published and sell at a nominal price to the subscribers of the present work.

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