Butler Genealogy

Butler Genealogy
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Dedication of Monument to Deacon John Butler, First Settler of Pelham, at Pelham, June 9, 1886
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Henry Ashley May
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The first meeting of the descendants of Dea. John Butler, to make arrangements for erecting a monument to his memory also to see if the descendants would vote to dedicate the same, and have a reunion of the Butler family at some future time. The meeting organized with the choice of the following officers, and made a permanent organization: President, George S. Butler 5 vice-president, Frederic A. Cutler Secretary, William G. Butler; Treasurer, William M. Butler. Voted - To choose a committee to solicit subscriptions for the erection of a monument. Voted - That William M. Butler, James E. Butler, Judge Samuel P. Hadley and Captain Henry Butler should be the committee. The following resolution by Judge Samuel P. Hadley, of Lowell, was adopted, and placed on the record book of the organization and also that a copy of it be forwarded to Henry A. May, Esq., of Boston, Mass. Resolved - That this meeting heartily approves the labors of Mr. Henry A. May, of Boston, in preparing a genealogical record of the Butler family, and that we will render him all the aid in our power toward the accomplishment of such a desirable work.
The first meeting of the descendants of Dea. John Butler, to make arrangements for erecting a monument to his memory also to see if the descendants would vote to dedicate the same, and have a reunion of the Butler family at some future time. The meeting organized with the choice of the following officers, and made a permanent organization: President, George S. Butler 5 vice-president, Frederic A. Cutler Secretary, William G. Butler; Treasurer, William M. Butler. Voted — To choose a committee to solicit subscriptions for the erection of a monument. Voted — That William M. Butler, James E. Butler, Judge Samuel P. Hadley and Captain Henry Butler should be the committee. The following resolution by Judge Samuel P. Hadley, of Lowell, was adopted, and placed on the record book of the organization and also that a copy of it be forwarded to Henry A. May, Esq., of Boston, Mass. Resolved — That this meeting heartily approves the labors of Mr. Henry A. May, of Boston, in preparing a genealogical record of the Butler family, and that we will render him all the aid in our power toward the accomplishment of such a desirable work.

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