Brief Memoirs of Thomas Shipley and Edwin P. Atlee

Brief Memoirs of Thomas Shipley and Edwin P. Atlee
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Read Before the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, &C, Tenth Month, 1837
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Although the history of such men may be less fruitful in bold adventure and stirring incidents, than that of those who hold an exalted place in the eyes of the world, yet their characters are, at least, not defaced by the vices and inconsistencies which are so often associated with popular greatness. If to be good is to be great, if to pursue a course of life which is regulated by the Divine principle, and to prefer the path of manifested duty to the honors and emoluments of the world, be noble, then were those whose lamented death has been the cause of the present meeting, entitled to be ranked amongst the great and good.
Although the history of such men may be less fruitful in bold adventure and stirring incidents, than that of those who hold an exalted place in the eyes of the world, yet their characters are, at least, not defaced by the vices and inconsistencies which are so often associated with popular greatness. If to be good is to be great, if to pursue a course of life which is regulated by the Divine principle, and to prefer the path of manifested duty to the honors and emoluments of the world, be noble, then were those whose lamented death has been the cause of the present meeting, entitled to be ranked amongst the great and good.

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