Brian Pendleton and His Descendants

Brian Pendleton and His Descendants
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1599-1910; With Some Account of the Pembleton Families of Orange County, N. Y., Otsego County, N. Y., And Luzerne County, Pa;, And Notices of Other Pendletons of Later Origin in the United States
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Everett Hall Pendleton
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The early records of the New England Pendletons which appear in the following pages are based almost entirely upon Colonial, town, church, and county records, the originals of which for the most part were examined by the compiler during his business trips through New York and New England, or during his summer vacations. At the same time he was enabled to interview hundreds of people - from some of whom data could not have been obtained by letter - and to examine thousands of published genealogies, local histories and the like in the libraries of Boston, Albany, Buffalo, and New York. This work was greatly simplified by the fact that Brian Pendleton was the only one of the name to establish a New England family. Consequently we did not experience the trials involved in separating the descendants Of several unrelated ancestors bearing a common name. Indeed, outside of a few late comers, there is today but one other Pendleton family in the United States - that of Virginia, de scended from Philip Pendleton who settled there in 1683. [see Appendix IV.
The early records of the New England Pendletons which appear in the following pages are based almost entirely upon Colonial, town, church, and county records, the originals of which for the most part were examined by the compiler during his business trips through New York and New England, or during his summer vacations. At the same time he was enabled to interview hundreds of people — from some of whom data could not have been obtained by letter — and to examine thousands of published genealogies, local histories and the like in the libraries of Boston, Albany, Buffalo, and New York. This work was greatly simplified by the fact that Brian Pendleton was the only one of the name to establish a New England family. Consequently we did not experience the trials involved in separating the descendants Of several unrelated ancestors bearing a common name. Indeed, outside of a few late comers, there is today but one other Pendleton family in the United States — that of Virginia, de scended from Philip Pendleton who settled there in 1683. [see Appendix IV.

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