Bookbinding as a Handwork Subject

Bookbinding as a Handwork Subject
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Being a Full Explanation of How Books Can Be Bound With Simple Apparatus in a School Classroom
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J. Halliday
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The aims of the book are to show in the first place how the meces sary apparatus may be simplified and made in school, at a cost not exceeding the reasonable allowances of most Education Committees, and, in the second place, so to arrange the operations, that the teacher may secure a fairly regular gradation of difficulty and complexity in sewing, covering with cloth, ornamentation, etc. The problem of dealing with large classes in handwork is an important one, and a plan is outlined which will, it is hoped, help the teacher in managing this subject even with classes of sixty children. All the instructions, moreover, are put in as practical a form as possible. This book is a result of the experience of one who has realised that the occupation has certain difficulties as a handwork subject, and who has made an attempt to Show how they may be overcome.
The aims of the book are to show in the first place how the meces sary apparatus may be simplified and made in school, at a cost not exceeding the reasonable allowances of most Education Committees, and, in the second place, so to arrange the operations, that the teacher may secure a fairly regular gradation of difficulty and complexity in sewing, covering with cloth, ornamentation, etc. The problem of dealing with large classes in handwork is an important one, and a plan is outlined which will, it is hoped, help the teacher in managing this subject even with classes of sixty children. All the instructions, moreover, are put in as practical a form as possible. This book is a result of the experience of one who has realised that the occupation has certain difficulties as a handwork subject, and who has made an attempt to Show how they may be overcome.

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