Tuberculosis Hospital and Sanatorium Construction

Tuberculosis Hospital and Sanatorium Construction
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Written for the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis
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Thomas Spees Carrington
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. In preparing the third edition of this book the reading matter containing descriptions of buildings has been revised and in a large number of instances entirely rewritten. An effort has also been made to give architects and others a better idea of the factors which tend to produce economy and ease in maintaining an institution. A new section on pavilions for housing children suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis has been added, as the planning of these buildings has assumed the proportions of a problem since the last edition was published. The author has aimed to bring to the notice of those interested in the sani tary housing of tuberculous patients certain buildings which seem to have given satisfaction both to the staff who serve in them and to the patients for whom they are erected. During the past few years the plans for tuberculosis hospitals have become more nearly standardized. Certain characteristic details of construction are now generally accepted as essential to a well arranged institution and these have been carefully studied and an effort made to call attention to them whenever they appear in a plan.
In preparing the third edition of this book the reading matter containing descriptions of buildings has been revised and in a large number of instances entirely rewritten. An effort has also been made to give architects and others a better idea of the factors which tend to produce economy and ease in maintaining an institution. A new section on pavilions for housing children suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis has been added, as the planning of these buildings has assumed the proportions of a problem since the last edition was published. The author has aimed to bring to the notice of those interested in the sani tary housing of tuberculous patients certain buildings which seem to have given satisfaction both to the staff who serve in them and to the patients for whom they are erected. During the past few years the plans for tuberculosis hospitals have become more nearly standardized. Certain characteristic details of construction are now generally accepted as essential to a well arranged institution and these have been carefully studied and an effort made to call attention to them whenever they appear in a plan.

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