Theory and Applications of Finite Groups

Theory and Applications of Finite Groups
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G. A. Miller
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The aim of this book is to present in a unified manner the more fundamental aspects of finite groups and their applications, and at the same time to preserve the advantage which arises when each branch of an extensive subject is written by one who has long specialized in that branch. To secure unification, the three authors planned the book after various conferences and extensive correspondence, while each read and commented upon both the ms. And proof-sheets of the parts by the remaining authors. However, the influence of each author upon the other two has been mainly of editorial character, so that the individuality of the authorship of each part remains intact.
The aim of this book is to present in a unified manner the more fundamental aspects of finite groups and their applications, and at the same time to preserve the advantage which arises when each branch of an extensive subject is written by one who has long specialized in that branch. To secure unification, the three authors planned the book after various conferences and extensive correspondence, while each read and commented upon both the ms. And proof-sheets of the parts by the remaining authors. However, the influence of each author upon the other two has been mainly of editorial character, so that the individuality of the authorship of each part remains intact.

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