Spalding Memorial

Spalding Memorial
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A Genealogical History of Edward Spalding, of Massachusetts Bay, and His Descendants
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Samuel J. Spalding
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. A series of consecutive numbers runs through the volume. Where a name appears a second time, as it always will appear when it stands at the head of a family, the place where it is given is designated by a number in brackets, placed immediately after the name. To trace a line of descent, seek in the Index the name you wish to trace against it will stand a number. Turn to this number in the body of the work, where you will find the name, and above it the names of the parents; at the right of the name of the father will be a number in brackets, to which, if you turn, you will find the name, and above it the names Of the grandparents; and so continue until the line is traced. The numbers in the Indexes always refer to the first appearance of the name and on turning to that number in the volume, it will be seen at a glance where it appears a second time. It was my original plan to trace the descendants of Edward Spalding in both the male and female lines. But it soon became apparent that it would require another volume as large as the present one to do this satisfactorily. The increased expense of preparing and publishing this additional volume compelled me to confine my labors principally to the genealogy of the male lines. The marriages of all female descendants. Of Edward Spalding bearing the family name have been given, also their dates of birth and death, so far as they could be ascertained.
A series of consecutive numbers runs through the volume. Where a name appears a second time, as it always will appear when it stands at the head of a family, the place where it is given is designated by a number in brackets, placed immediately after the name. To trace a line of descent, seek in the Index the name you wish to trace against it will stand a number. Turn to this number in the body of the work, where you will find the name, and above it the names of the parents; at the right of the name of the father will be a number in brackets, to which, if you turn, you will find the name, and above it the names Of the grandparents; and so continue until the line is traced. The numbers in the Indexes always refer to the first appearance of the name and on turning to that number in the volume, it will be seen at a glance where it appears a second time. It was my original plan to trace the descendants of Edward Spalding in both the male and female lines. But it soon became apparent that it would require another volume as large as the present one to do this satisfactorily. The increased expense of preparing and publishing this additional volume compelled me to confine my labors principally to the genealogy of the male lines. The marriages of all female descendants. Of Edward Spalding bearing the family name have been given, also their dates of birth and death, so far as they could be ascertained.

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