Siberia in Europe

Siberia in Europe
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A Visit to the Valley of the Petchora, in North-East Russia; With Descriptions of the Natural History, Migration of Birds, Etc
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Henry Seebohm
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Political or religious bias as possible, and to give as vivid a picture as I was able of a country widely different from our own, and possessing a climate of an almost opposite character to that of England. Little or nothing of importance has been added since my return home. I have given the reader credit for wishing to know something more of the birds we met with than we learnt on our trip, and Iihave endeavoured to give him an opportunity of satisfying his curiosity by foot-notes, to which he may refer or.
Political or religious bias as possible, and to give as vivid a picture as I was able of a country widely different from our own, and possessing a climate of an almost opposite character to that of England. Little or nothing of importance has been added since my return home. I have given the reader credit for wishing to know something more of the birds we met with than we learnt on our trip, and Iihave endeavoured to give him an opportunity of satisfying his curiosity by foot-notes, to which he may refer or.

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