Scenario Writing Today

Scenario Writing Today
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Grace Lytton
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. IT gives me pleasure to write a few words of intro duction to a volume which I believe to be one of unique worth and utility. The author, whose first book it is, has written a book of which a veteran in the art of writing might well be proud. She has set forth, in a clear and convincing style, the principles of scenario writing, not from the theoretical but from the practical standpoint, and her logical plan of unfolding her subject makes it strikingly differ ent from the ordinary essays one now finds filling magazine pages, claiming to teach amateurs an easy and quick way Of writing the screen story. To be able to tell that certain things are necessary is simple enough, and innumerable authors can write exhaustive treatises about the technique of their art: but to have the capacity to show the steps of approach to success, and inspire learners with the ambition to work steadily toward it, is the very genius of teaching. This is what the young author has accomplished in Scenario Writing To day, which lives up to its title in a thorough and complete manner, omitting nothing which is vital to the topic, and dwelling with particular emphasis.
IT gives me pleasure to write a few words of intro duction to a volume which I believe to be one of unique worth and utility. The author, whose first book it is, has written a book of which a veteran in the art of writing might well be proud. She has set forth, in a clear and convincing style, the principles of scenario writing, not from the theoretical but from the practical standpoint, and her logical plan of unfolding her subject makes it strikingly differ ent from the ordinary essays one now finds filling magazine pages, claiming to teach amateurs an easy and quick way Of writing the screen story. To be able to tell that certain things are necessary is simple enough, and innumerable authors can write exhaustive treatises about the technique of their art: but to have the capacity to show the steps of approach to success, and inspire learners with the ambition to work steadily toward it, is the very genius of teaching. This is what the young author has accomplished in Scenario Writing To day, which lives up to its title in a thorough and complete manner, omitting nothing which is vital to the topic, and dwelling with particular emphasis.

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