Record of the Descendants of Johann Jost Wentz

Record of the Descendants of Johann Jost Wentz
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Richard W. Wentz
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. When I first contemplated writing this record, I had no idea that it would ever be put in book form. I merely intended it as an employment for my evening hours, and as a reference for myself only, consequently a preface to my work was not considered necessary; but, in writing to different relatives for information, I found several who were desirous of having copies. This has made an ex planation on my part somewhat important. In the Summer of 1879 I was informed that a gentle man in New York had a history of the Wentz family, written in German. I became quite curious to see this book, in order, if possible, to trace the ancestry of our family. The owner, Wilhelm Wentz, who had lately arrived in this country from Hanover, Germany, very kindly loaned me the work, but I was considerably dis appointed on looking it over (with a translator) at finding nothing whatever concerning our line.
When I first contemplated writing this record, I had no idea that it would ever be put in book form. I merely intended it as an employment for my evening hours, and as a reference for myself only, consequently a preface to my work was not considered necessary; but, in writing to different relatives for information, I found several who were desirous of having copies. This has made an ex planation on my part somewhat important. In the Summer of 1879 I was informed that a gentle man in New York had a history of the Wentz family, written in German. I became quite curious to see this book, in order, if possible, to trace the ancestry of our family. The owner, Wilhelm Wentz, who had lately arrived in this country from Hanover, Germany, very kindly loaned me the work, but I was considerably dis appointed on looking it over (with a translator) at finding nothing whatever concerning our line.

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