The’ Progress of Eugenics

The’ Progress of Eugenics
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Caleb Williams Saleeby
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. IN Offering this little book to the reader I must make acknowledgment for the invaluable help I have received in eugenic propaganda, since I left medical practice to follow Galton, ten years ago, to the National Council Of Public Morals, which, for instance, granted me its platform in the autumn of 1912, for a public course of eight lectures in the Holborn Hall, London, much of which is here included; and to the Managers of the Royal Institution, for the privilege of return ing to the subject here, yet again, in the course of lectures on The Progress of Eugenics, this day completed. Let it also be recorded, for Great Britain, in this decennial volume of'modern eugenics, that, at last, thanks to the help Of Major Leonard Darwin, President of the Eugenics Education Society, I have succeeded in getting a reprint of Galton's Hereditary Genius and that, though the Inebriates Act is yet to be, yesterday the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, and the Order Of the Local Government Board making.
IN Offering this little book to the reader I must make acknowledgment for the invaluable help I have received in eugenic propaganda, since I left medical practice to follow Galton, ten years ago, to the National Council Of Public Morals, which, for instance, granted me its platform in the autumn of 1912, for a public course of eight lectures in the Holborn Hall, London, much of which is here included; and to the Managers of the Royal Institution, for the privilege of return ing to the subject here, yet again, in the course of lectures on The Progress of Eugenics, this day completed. Let it also be recorded, for Great Britain, in this decennial volume of'modern eugenics, that, at last, thanks to the help Of Major Leonard Darwin, President of the Eugenics Education Society, I have succeeded in getting a reprint of Galton's Hereditary Genius and that, though the Inebriates Act is yet to be, yesterday the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, and the Order Of the Local Government Board making.

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