The Power of Speech and How to Acquire It

The Power of Speech and How to Acquire It
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A Comprehensive System of Vocal Expression Consisting of Thorough and Practical Instruction in the Use and Management of the Speaking Voice Embracing Deep Breathing, Articulation, Modulation, Emphasis and Delivery; Vocal Coloring, Interpretation of the Wr
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Edwin Gordon Lawrence
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. That American voices are harsh, nasal, and devoid of beauty is such an oft told tale that I almost fear to repeat it, and yet of so much im portance do I deem the subject that I risk the danger of being thought monotonous by referring to the causes and suggesting remedies for the removal of these defects. What voices lack most of all, as a rule, 15 expression; and, of course, without expression we have nothing, considering that expression is to all things the life which gives them being. The great philosophical orator and educator, Victor Cousin, has given us these beautiful words of wisdom: The great law that governs all others is expression. Every work of art that does not express an idea signifies nothing; in addressing itself to such or such a sense, it must penetrate to the mind, to the soul, and bear thither a thought a sentiment capable 'oi touching or elevating it.
That American voices are harsh, nasal, and devoid of beauty is such an oft told tale that I almost fear to repeat it, and yet of so much im portance do I deem the subject that I risk the danger of being thought monotonous by referring to the causes and suggesting remedies for the removal of these defects. What voices lack most of all, as a rule, 15 expression; and, of course, without expression we have nothing, considering that expression is to all things the life which gives them being. The great philosophical orator and educator, Victor Cousin, has given us these beautiful words of wisdom: The great law that governs all others is expression. Every work of art that does not express an idea signifies nothing; in addressing itself to such or such a sense, it must penetrate to the mind, to the soul, and bear thither a thought a sentiment capable 'oi touching or elevating it.

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