Place Names

Place Names
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Ross and Cromarty
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W. J. Watson
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. In the present work, dealing with the Place Names of Ross and Cromarty, the method thus indicated has been followed throughout. In every case the genuine native Gaelic forms of names have been ascertained with absolute accuracy. In addition, the old spellings found in charters, etc., have been given wherever such were available. The result is that the interpretations offered can be criticised by Celtic scholars in the light of a full knowledge of the data. Incidentally a large number of new and important facts are offered for the con sideration of philologists, both in the shape of obsolete Gaelic words rescued from oblivion, and in the treatment in Gaelic of Norse and Pictish names.
In the present work, dealing with the Place Names of Ross and Cromarty, the method thus indicated has been followed throughout. In every case the genuine native Gaelic forms of names have been ascertained with absolute accuracy. In addition, the old spellings found in charters, etc., have been given wherever such were available. The result is that the interpretations offered can be criticised by Celtic scholars in the light of a full knowledge of the data. Incidentally a large number of new and important facts are offered for the con sideration of philologists, both in the shape of obsolete Gaelic words rescued from oblivion, and in the treatment in Gaelic of Norse and Pictish names.

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