Oregon Geology

Oregon Geology
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A Revision of "the Two Islands"
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Thomas Condon
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The apparent absence of these fossil mammals from our Oregon Eocene is still an unsolved problem. Some authorities believe that the mam mals beyond the Wasatch did live in Oregon, and think their fossil remains may yet be found. Therefore it seems best that this controverted question he not unduly emphasized by retaining the original title of the book. Fortunately this narrative of Oregon's geological growth, with its rich store of scientific facts and its vivid picture of Oregon's past, is not dependent upon the very subordinate question of whether the Land of Shoshone was in Cretaceous times entirely sur rounded by water, or whether it was a bold and.
The apparent absence of these fossil mammals from our Oregon Eocene is still an unsolved problem. Some authorities believe that the mam mals beyond the Wasatch did live in Oregon, and think their fossil remains may yet be found. Therefore it seems best that this controverted question he not unduly emphasized by retaining the original title of the book. Fortunately this narrative of Oregon's geological growth, with its rich store of scientific facts and its vivid picture of Oregon's past, is not dependent upon the very subordinate question of whether the Land of Shoshone was in Cretaceous times entirely sur rounded by water, or whether it was a bold and.

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