The Seventh Vial

The Seventh Vial
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Being an Exposition of the Apocalypse, and in Particular of the Pouring Out of the Seventh Vial, With Special Reference to the Present Revolutions in Europe
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James Aitken Wylie
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Gan so early as the days of Daniel, and ever since has been advancing step by step to its consummation, it will form the most finished demonstration of God's power and justice of which earth has been the scene, or guilty man the object. The glory of this event will pene trate far into the 'past, and dart its rays for ward into the Future. In the light of the Seventh Via] the scheme of prophecy will stand revealed; the admirable wisdom and beautiful order of past dispensations will be clearly seen; a new light will be shed upon the character of God; and the great principles of truth and righteousness will be settled on a stable foun dation for all time to come. It is the finishing of the mystery of God, as He hath declared to his servants the prophets. How great shall that event be! The great empires which the doom of heaven overwhelmed righteously of old, - Babylon, Egypt, J erusalem, - were but types of that city on whom this Vial is to be poured out; and in her consummated ruin shall all these types find their complete fulfilment. Who can conceive the terrors of a judgment.
Gan so early as the days of Daniel, and ever since has been advancing step by step to its consummation, it will form the most finished demonstration of God's power and justice of which earth has been the scene, or guilty man the object. The glory of this event will pene trate far into the 'past, and dart its rays for ward into the Future. In the light of the Seventh Via] the scheme of prophecy will stand revealed; the admirable wisdom and beautiful order of past dispensations will be clearly seen; a new light will be shed upon the character of God; and the great principles of truth and righteousness will be settled on a stable foun dation for all time to come. It is the finishing of the mystery of God, as He hath declared to his servants the prophets. How great shall that event be! The great empires which the doom of heaven overwhelmed righteously of old, — Babylon, Egypt, J erusalem, — were but types of that city on whom this Vial is to be poured out; and in her consummated ruin shall all these types find their complete fulfilment. Who can conceive the terrors of a judgment.

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