Traits of Character

Traits of Character
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Illustrated in Bible Light Together With Short Sketches of Marked and Marred Manhood and Womanhood
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H. F. Kletzing
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Truth is much more forcibly impressed upon the mind when accompanied by illustration, either in inci dent, anecdote, example Or in a drawing or picture. Where the mere statement of truth in the abstract may fail Of results, the illustration comes to the aid Of truth and impresses and fixes the thought upon the mind. In the following pages we have attempted to combine the two ideas. While the picture impresses the truth in one way, the printed page by example, figure or anecdote adds power Of retention and increases the amount Of truth Conveyed. We lay claim to no originality Of thought further than the manner Of arrangement and the method Of conveying the truth to the mind. Realizing the inspiration that noble deeds give to many a life and the advantage gained in noting the causes Of failure, we have added short. And striking biographies Of prominent men and women.
Truth is much more forcibly impressed upon the mind when accompanied by illustration, either in inci dent, anecdote, example Or in a drawing or picture. Where the mere statement of truth in the abstract may fail Of results, the illustration comes to the aid Of truth and impresses and fixes the thought upon the mind. In the following pages we have attempted to combine the two ideas. While the picture impresses the truth in one way, the printed page by example, figure or anecdote adds power Of retention and increases the amount Of truth Conveyed. We lay claim to no originality Of thought further than the manner Of arrangement and the method Of conveying the truth to the mind. Realizing the inspiration that noble deeds give to many a life and the advantage gained in noting the causes Of failure, we have added short. And striking biographies Of prominent men and women.

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