The Triumph of the Cross

The Triumph of the Cross
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Fra Girolamo Savonarola
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Every syllable of this profession of Savonarola's faith in the supremacy of the successor is expunged There are no asterisks to show that words are left out. There is no footnote, no word in the Preface, to explain the uh pardonable liberty of the translator. A comma is put after the words loosed in heaven, and the translator continues, - as though this were the author's continua tion,-from which we may see that Jesus Christ, down to the words He shall sit and rule upon the throne of David, etc The entire passage about the successor of St. Peter, Hence it follows, is summarily omitted from what purports to be a translation.
Every syllable of this profession of Savonarola's faith in the supremacy of the successor is expunged There are no asterisks to show that words are left out. There is no footnote, no word in the Preface, to explain the uh pardonable liberty of the translator. A comma is put after the words loosed in heaven, and the translator continues, — as though this were the author's continua tion,-from which we may see that Jesus Christ, down to the words He shall sit and rule upon the throne of David, etc The entire passage about the successor of St. Peter, Hence it follows, is summarily omitted from what purports to be a translation.

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