Facing the Sphinx

Facing the Sphinx
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Marie L. Farrington
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. If we contribute our mite towards the revival of the ancient mode of thought, which can be found partly in the Bible, if understood, and partly in the sacred and profane literature of Egypt, India, Per sia, Chaldea, Central America, China, Greece, Rome, etc. We will be amply rewarded. For to dispel the clouds of ignorance which are still hanging over the human intellect, is to conquer and uproo't wickedness. Let us eat of the fruit of the tree of Paradise, so that, by acquiring the knowledge Of good and evil, we may always be wise enough to choose good and eschew evil.
If we contribute our mite towards the revival of the ancient mode of thought, which can be found partly in the Bible, if understood, and partly in the sacred and profane literature of Egypt, India, Per sia, Chaldea, Central America, China, Greece, Rome, etc. We will be amply rewarded. For to dispel the clouds of ignorance which are still hanging over the human intellect, is to conquer and uproo't wickedness. Let us eat of the fruit of the tree of Paradise, so that, by acquiring the knowledge Of good and evil, we may always be wise enough to choose good and eschew evil.

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