The Homely Virtues

The Homely Virtues
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John Watson
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Understanding, and who, perhaps, may make no profession of religion, but who can be depended upon at all times, in every word he speaks and in everything he does. His smile may not be so taking nor his style so plausible, but he looks you in the face and his words have the accent of sincerity. He means what he says and he says what he means, and if you quote him, you will never be left in the lurch. He may be long in coming to a de 8100 and he may be hard in a bar gain. When the bargain is made, whether by word of mouth or a nod of the head, just as much as by a letter which has been copied, he will stand by it, though he lose his last penny. He will not whine about his.
Understanding, and who, perhaps, may make no profession of religion, but who can be depended upon at all times, in every word he speaks and in everything he does. His smile may not be so taking nor his style so plausible, but he looks you in the face and his words have the accent of sincerity. He means what he says and he says what he means, and if you quote him, you will never be left in the lurch. He may be long in coming to a de 8100 and he may be hard in a bar gain. When the bargain is made, whether by word of mouth or a nod of the head, just as much as by a letter which has been copied, he will stand by it, though he lose his last penny. He will not whine about his.

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