Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle

Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle
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To the Hebrews
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John Calvin
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. No doubt the Epistle next in importance to that to the Romans is this to the Hebrews. The truths explained in it might, indeed, have been deduced from other portions of Scripture but it is a vast advantage and a great satisfaction to find them expressly set forth, and distinctly stated by an inspired Apostle. In condescension to our ignorance, it has pleased god, not only to give us what might have been deemed sufficient for our information, but also to add line upon line, so that there might be every help given to those who have a desire to know the truth, and every reasonable excuse taken away from such as resolve to oppose it, and to follow the guidance of self-will, and the delusions of their own proud minds and depraved hearts. It might then seem strange to us that defect, insufficiency, and obscurity have been ascribed to the Scriptures, did we not know that these charges have been made by such as wish Revelation to be otherwise than it is; they having imbibed errors and adopted superstitions to which it yields no countenance, but which it condemns in terms so plain, that they must be represented as defective or obscure in order to be evaded.
No doubt the Epistle next in importance to that to the Romans is this to the Hebrews. The truths explained in it might, indeed, have been deduced from other portions of Scripture but it is a vast advantage and a great satisfaction to find them expressly set forth, and distinctly stated by an inspired Apostle. In condescension to our ignorance, it has pleased god, not only to give us what might have been deemed sufficient for our information, but also to add line upon line, so that there might be every help given to those who have a desire to know the truth, and every reasonable excuse taken away from such as resolve to oppose it, and to follow the guidance of self-will, and the delusions of their own proud minds and depraved hearts. It might then seem strange to us that defect, insufficiency, and obscurity have been ascribed to the Scriptures, did we not know that these charges have been made by such as wish Revelation to be otherwise than it is; they having imbibed errors and adopted superstitions to which it yields no countenance, but which it condemns in terms so plain, that they must be represented as defective or obscure in order to be evaded.

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