The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi

The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi
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Of Assisi Francis
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Since that epoch two books which are very important for our matter have recently ap peared, edited respeetively by L. Lemmens (opuscula sanfiipatris F rancisci Assisienszk sec. Codices mss. Emendata et denuo edita a pp. Collegiz' S. Bonaventure. Quaracchi, 1904) and by Dr H. Boehmer (analekten zur Gesc/ziclzle des Franciscus von Assisi: S. F rancisci Opuscula. Tubingen und Leipzig, and it is especially the work of Lemmens to which Father Paschal Robinson was indebted in the preparation of the very fine translation published in the United States of America (t he Writings of St Francis of Assisi. Philadelphia, It is fitting that England also should possess a version of its own, and this is furnished in the present work, as the basis of which Lady de la Warr has done me the honour to use my critical French edition (paris: Poussielgue.
Since that epoch two books which are very important for our matter have recently ap peared, edited respeétively by L. Lemmens (opuscula sanfiipatris F rancisci Assisienszk sec. Codices mss. Emendata et denuo edita a pp. Collegiz' S. Bonaventure. Quaracchi, 1904) and by Dr H. Boehmer (analekten zur Gesc/ziclzle des Franciscus von Assisi: S. F rancisci Opuscula. Tubingen und Leipzig, and it is especially the work of Lemmens to which Father Paschal Robinson was indebted in the preparation of the very fine translation published in the United States of America (t he Writings of St Francis of Assisi. Philadelphia, It is fitting that England also should possess a version of its own, and this is furnished in the present work, as the basis of which Lady de la Warr has done me the honour to use my critical French edition (paris: Poussielgue.

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