The Life of Sir Isaac Newton

The Life of Sir Isaac Newton
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David Brewster
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Newton occupied in grinding hyperbolical Lenses - H is first Experiments with the Prism made in 1666 - He discovers the Composition of White Light, and the different Refrangi bility of the Rays which compose it - Abandons his attempts to improve Refracting Telescopes, and resolves to attempt the Construction of Reflecting ones - He guits Cambridge on Account of the Plague Constructs two Reflecting Telescopes in 1668, the first ever executed - One of them examined by the Royal Society, and shown to the King - He constructs a Telescope with Glass Specular - Recent History of the Reflecting Telescope Airy's Glass Specula Hadley's Reflecting 7 elescopes Short's Herschel's Supposed Decline of Science in England.
Newton occupied in grinding hyperbolical Lenses — H is first Experiments with the Prism made in 1666 — He discovers the Composition of White Light, and the different Refrangi bility of the Rays which compose it — Abandons his attempts to improve Refracting Telescopes, and resolves to attempt the Construction of Reflecting ones — He guits Cambridge on Account of the Plague Constructs two Reflecting Telescopes in 1668, the first ever executed — One of them examined by the Royal Society, and shown to the King — He constructs a Telescope with Glass Specular — Recent History of the Reflecting Telescope Airy's Glass Specula Hadley's Reflecting 7 elescopes Short's Herschel's Supposed Decline of Science in England.

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