The Life of Grish Chunder Ghose

The Life of Grish Chunder Ghose
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The Founder and First Editor of "the Hindoo Patriot" And "the Bengalee"
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Manmathanath Ghosh
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The case of Grish Chunder Ghose furnishes indeed a striking illustration of the transitoriness of journalistic fame. Scarcely four decades ago, there was not a cultured household in Bengal or its sister provinces in which the name of the accomplished founder and editor of the Bengalee was not familiar as a household word. There was scarcely a public movement with which his name was not promi nently associated for, Grish was not only a clever journalist, but, as the late Principal Lobb well described him at the public meeting held in his honour at the Town Hall of Calcutta on the i6th of November.
The case of Grish Chunder Ghose furnishes indeed a striking illustration of the transitoriness of journalistic fame. Scarcely four decades ago, there was not a cultured household in Bengal or its sister provinces in which the name of the accomplished founder and editor of the Bengalee was not familiar as a household word. There was scarcely a public movement with which his name was not promi nently associated for, Grish was not only a clever journalist, but, as the late Principal Lobb well described him at the public meeting held in his honour at the Town Hall of Calcutta on the i6th of November.

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