The Believer’s Hand-Book, on Holiness

The Believer’s Hand-Book, on Holiness
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Showing How to Enter and How to Dwell in the Canaan of Perfect Love
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E. Davies
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. My design is to make the whole matter so plain, that any true Christian may see just where he stands in his religious experience, and just how to advance into that glorious state called Perfect Love, or Christian Holiness. And then, having gained this blessed experience, the great thing is to retain it, and advance therein from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. I have endeavored to show how this can be done. Read, study, and digest, and may the God of all truth sanctify you through his truth, and make you perfect in every good word and work. As God is the great fountain of holiness, I have thought it well to fill up the. First chapter upon the holiness of God. Multum in parvo, is the motto, and not magnum Opus much in little, rather than a' great book. May the Holy Spirit guide you into all truth!
My design is to make the whole matter so plain, that any true Christian may see just where he stands in his religious experience, and just how to advance into that glorious state called Perfect Love, or Christian Holiness. And then, having gained this blessed experience, the great thing is to retain it, and advance therein from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. I have endeavored to show how this can be done. Read, study, and digest, and may the God of all truth sanctify you through his truth, and make you perfect in every good word and work. As God is the great fountain of holiness, I have thought it well to fill up the. First chapter upon the holiness of God. Multum in parvo, is the motto, and not magnum Opus much in little, rather than a' great book. May the Holy Spirit guide you into all truth!

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