A Book of Angels

A Book of Angels
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. IN a book devoted to one subject by several writers there must needs be some reiteration of theme; but, as every mind sees a subject differently, the light thrown on it may, for this very reason, be particularly valuable, and reiteration be in that case not a loss but a gain. To secure this as much as possible has been the aim and endeavour of the present collection, and if here and there appears even some divergence of View, it will not on so high a subject be unwelcome or strange, provided that no clearly revealed principles of Holy Scripture are left out of con sideration, a risk which I trust will be found to have been guarded against in the following work. It is necessary, however, just to say that each writer is of course responsible only for his own contribution.
IN a book devoted to one subject by several writers there must needs be some reiteration of theme; but, as every mind sees a subject differently, the light thrown on it may, for this very reason, be particularly valuable, and reiteration be in that case not a loss but a gain. To secure this as much as possible has been the aim and endeavour of the present collection, and if here and there appears even some divergence of View, it will not on so high a subject be unwelcome or strange, provided that no clearly revealed principles of Holy Scripture are left out of con sideration, a risk which I trust will be found to have been guarded against in the following work. It is necessary, however, just to say that each writer is of course responsible only for his own contribution.

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