A Tramp Across the Continent

A Tramp Across the Continent
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Charles F. Lummis
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. I would have this unpretentious book taken only for what it is the wayside notes of a happy vagabondizing. It was written in hurried moments by the coal-oil lamps of country hotels, the tallow dips of section-house or ranch, the smoky pine knots of the cowboy's or the hunter's cabin, the crackling fogon of a Mexican adobe, or the snapping greasewood of my lonely campfire upon the plains; and from that vagrant body and Spirit I have not tried to over-civilize it. A prim chronicle of such a trip would be no chronicle at all. Nor have I desired to make it either an atlas or an encyclo paedia of the country. Economic and geographic essays do not belong within its s00pe. It is merely a truthful record of some of the experiences and impressions of a walk across the continent - the diary of a man who got outside the fences of civil ization and was glad of it. It is the simple story of joy on legs.
I would have this unpretentious book taken only for what it is the wayside notes of a happy vagabondizing. It was written in hurried moments by the coal-oil lamps of country hotels, the tallow dips of section-house or ranch, the smoky pine knots of the cowboy's or the hunter's cabin, the crackling fogon of a Mexican adobe, or the snapping greasewood of my lonely campfire upon the plains; and from that vagrant body and Spirit I have not tried to over-civilize it. A prim chronicle of such a trip would be no chronicle at all. Nor have I desired to make it either an atlas or an encyclo paedia of the country. Economic and geographic essays do not belong within its s00pe. It is merely a truthful record of some of the experiences and impressions of a walk across the continent — the diary of a man who got outside the fences of civil ization and was glad of it. It is the simple story of joy on legs.

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