Wild Life in the Far West

Wild Life in the Far West
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Personal Adventures of a Border Mountain Man, Comprising Hunting and Trapping Adventures With Kit Carson and Others, Captivity and Life Among the Comanches, Services Under Doniphan in the War With Mexico, and in the Mexican War Against the French, Despera
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James Hobbs
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. In writing out the incidents Of this strangely event ful life, no attempt has been made to put them in glow ing colors, but we have the account in few words. There are many incidents and descriptions that occupy but part of a page, which could easily have been spread over several pages; but the fact is there. Had as many words been used to say as little as there are in many books, it would have required several volumes the size Of this to have contained the account of the author's experiences.
In writing out the incidents Of this strangely event ful life, no attempt has been made to put them in glow ing colors, but we have the account in few words. There are many incidents and descriptions that occupy but part of a page, which could easily have been spread over several pages; but the fact is there. Had as many words been used to say as little as there are in many books, it would have required several volumes the size Of this to have contained the account of the author's experiences.

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