The Adventures of James Capen Adams, Mountaineer Adams Grizzly Bear Hunter of California

The Adventures of James Capen Adams, Mountaineer Adams Grizzly Bear Hunter of California
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Theodore H. Hittell
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. In the midst of this strange menagerie was Adams, the proprietor - quite as strange as any of his animals. He was a man a little over medium size, muscular and wiry, with sharp features and penetrating eyes. He was apparently about fifty years of age; but his hair was very gray and his beard very white. He was dressed in coat and pantaloons of buckskin, fringed at the edges and along the seams of arms and legs. On his head he wore a cap of deerskin, ornamented with a fox-tail, and on his feet buckskin moccasins. An excellent likeness of him, as well as of his favorite bear, is presented in the illustration, drawn from life by Charles Nahl, entitled Adams and Ben Franklin.
In the midst of this strange menagerie was Adams, the proprietor — quite as strange as any of his animals. He was a man a little over medium size, muscular and wiry, with sharp features and penetrating eyes. He was apparently about fifty years of age; but his hair was very gray and his beard very white. He was dressed in coat and pantaloons of buckskin, fringed at the edges and along the seams of arms and legs. On his head he wore a cap of deerskin, ornamented with a fox-tail, and on his feet buckskin moccasins. An excellent likeness of him, as well as of his favorite bear, is presented in the illustration, drawn from life by Charles Nahl, entitled Adams and Ben Franklin.

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