Mental Growth and Control

Mental Growth and Control
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Nathan Oppenheim
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Certain books of counsel, teaching young men and women how best to shape their ideals and their lives, played an honorable part in the litera ture of the nineteenth century, particularly in America, Where aspiring youth is eager to learn the secret of noble success. These books, so gratefully remembered by older men, have long since become powerless to aid a younger genera tion, and their place has not yet been worthi filled. It is our intention to issue a short series of small volumes that shall fulfil the mission of the best of these obsolescent manuals. No one mind, no single experience, would suffice for such a task. Each special field, each special group of personal problems, must be treated separately. There is the problem of the body - how shall its mechanism be perfected and kept in repair; the problem of the mind - how shall its latent powers be wisely developed; the problem of the spiritual.
Certain books of counsel, teaching young men and women how best to shape their ideals and their lives, played an honorable part in the litera ture of the nineteenth century, particularly in America, Where aspiring youth is eager to learn the secret of noble success. These books, so gratefully remembered by older men, have long since become powerless to aid a younger genera tion, and their place has not yet been worthi filled. It is our intention to issue a short series of small volumes that shall fulfil the mission of the best of these obsolescent manuals. No one mind, no single experience, would suffice for such a task. Each special field, each special group of personal problems, must be treated separately. There is the problem of the body — how shall its mechanism be perfected and kept in repair; the problem of the mind — how shall its latent powers be wisely developed; the problem of the spiritual.

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