Commentary on the Psalms

Commentary on the Psalms
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Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. If we draw the superscription into the compass of the Psalm, which we are here peculiarly warranted to do, the meditation will complete itself in the number ten, which again falls into two fives. The prayer and confidence rising on the ground of the Mosaic blessing, is ruled by the number three. The Psalm is as to its subject nearly allied to Ps. Xi. And xiv. With whose introduction that of this holds a close resemblance even in expression. Of any particular occasion we are not to think. The Psalmist speaks for the fearers of God, and in their name. Already does Luther remark in his summaries this is a didactic Psalm.
If we draw the superscription into the compass of the Psalm, which we are here peculiarly warranted to do, the meditation will complete itself in the number ten, which again falls into two fives. The prayer and confidence rising on the ground of the Mosaic blessing, is ruled by the number three. The Psalm is as to its subject nearly allied to Ps. Xi. And xiv. With whose introduction that of this holds a close resemblance even in expression. Of any particular occasion we are not to think. The Psalmist speaks for the fearers of God, and in their name. Already does Luther remark in his summaries this is a didactic Psalm.

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