Through Five Turkish Provinces

Through Five Turkish Provinces
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Mark Sykes
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The notes which have served me for the compilation of this little book were jotted down day by day; whatever erroneous opinions may be expressed were formed on the spot and are not due to subsequent investigations. I have been blamed for not making more of a book to have done so would have been easy enough. I need but have padded what I have written with historical and geographical information, which it is better to seek in works on history and geography, and with crude and worthless criticisms of men, manners and institutions. I have preferred to state simply what has come under my own observa tion and not to ape the omniscience of the journalist or of the globe-trotter. The matter which is printed in Appendix I. Originally appeared in the Review qf t/ze Wee/e and I have to thank the editor of that paper for kindly allowing me to reprint it.
The notes which have served me for the compilation of this little book were jotted down day by day; whatever erroneous opinions may be expressed were formed on the spot and are not due to subsequent investigations. I have been blamed for not making more of a book to have done so would have been easy enough. I need but have padded what I have written with historical and geographical information, which it is better to seek in works on history and geography, and with crude and worthless criticisms of men, manners and institutions. I have preferred to state simply what has come under my own observa tion and not to ape the omniscience of the journalist or of the globe-trotter. The matter which is printed in Appendix I. Originally appeared in the Review qf t/ze Wee/é and I have to thank the editor of that paper for kindly allowing me to reprint it.

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