Saints and Heroes

Saints and Heroes
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Since the Middle Ages
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George Hodges
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. ON the last day of October, in the year 1517, a German monk posted a paper on achurch door in Wittenberg. It was written in Latin, and was addressed to theologians. It contained a series of state ments concerning the doctrine and practice of indulgences. The writer desired to have the matter discussed. It seemed to him that there was something wrong about it, and he would be glad to hear what wiser men might say. Here, he said, are indulgences preached and sold through out the Church: is it right? Is it in accord ance with the gospel and the truth? The paper was a question.
ON the last day of October, in the year 1517, a German monk posted a paper on achurch door in Wittenberg. It was written in Latin, and was addressed to theologians. It contained a series of state ments concerning the doctrine and practice of indulgences. The writer desired to have the matter discussed. It seemed to him that there was something wrong about it, and he would be glad to hear what wiser men might say. Here, he said, are indulgences preached and sold through out the Church: is it right? Is it in accord ance with the gospel and the truth? The paper was a question.

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