Through the Dark Continent

Through the Dark Continent
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Or the Sources of the Nile Around the Great Lakes of Equatorial Africa and Down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean
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Henry M. Stanley
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. That the rule Of my conduct in Africa has not been understood by all, I know to my bitter cost; but with my conscience at ease, and the simple record Of my daily actions, which I now publish, to speak for me, this misunderstanding on the part of a few presents itself to me only as one more harsh experience Of life. And those who read my book will know that I have indeed had a sharp apprehension and keen intelligence Of many such experiences. With reference to the illustrations, I should mention that I carried a photographic apparatus with me across the Continent, and so long as my dry plates held out I never lost an Opportunity Of Obtaining a good view, and when my plates were used up I found the reflection Of the scenes on the ground glass Of my camera an invaluable aid to my unpractised pencil.
That the rule Of my conduct in Africa has not been understood by all, I know to my bitter cost; but with my conscience at ease, and the simple record Of my daily actions, which I now publish, to speak for me, this misunderstanding on the part of a few presents itself to me only as one more harsh experience Of life. And those who read my book will know that I have indeed had a sharp apprehension and keen intelligence Of many such experiences. With reference to the illustrations, I should mention that I carried a photographic apparatus with me across the Continent, and so long as my dry plates held out I never lost an Opportunity Of Obtaining a good view, and when my plates were used up I found the reflection Of the scenes on the ground glass Of my camera an invaluable aid to my unpractised pencil.

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