The Dark O’ the Moon

The Dark O’ the Moon
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A Novel
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S. R. Crockett
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. There was a lass looking out of the four-square aperture which served the Shiel of the Dungeon for a window. In bad weather this was closed with a painted board, and in times of danger a green bough or a sod from the hill-side screened it. But now it stood open, and, as the light of the evening sun slanted along the precipice front, the head of a young girl was set in it as a picture is set in a dark frame. It was the face of Joyce Faa, watching from her rock fortress for her father's return - the eaglet spying for the eagle's homecoming with the lamb in his talons. This is the picture of the outlaw's daughter as she looked in the gloaming of that summer day, framed in yonder little square of blackness high up on the gairy side.
There was a lass looking out of the four-square aperture which served the Shiel of the Dungeon for a window. In bad weather this was closed with a painted board, and in times of danger a green bough or a sod from the hill-side screened it. But now it stood open, and, as the light of the evening sun slanted along the precipice front, the head of a young girl was set in it as a picture is set in a dark frame. It was the face of Joyce Faa, watching from her rock fortress for her father's return — the eaglet spying for the eagle's homecoming with the lamb in his talons. This is the picture of the outlaw's daughter as she looked in the gloaming of that summer day, framed in yonder little square of blackness high up on the gairy side.

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