Eucharistical Adoration

Eucharistical Adoration
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With Considerations Suggested by a Late Pastoral Letter (1858) On the Doctrine of the Most Holy Eucharist
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John Keble
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Besides correcting a few oversights, - more, however, and less excusable than I could have wished, - those changes are mostly confined to that portion of the work which deals with the intention of the final revisers of the Prayer-book on which point, as far as I have gone hitherto, all additional researches have tended only to strengthen our case. I could not be without misgivings, when I found that some of those, whom I am bound on all accounts deeply to respect, thought the treatise incorrect in reasoning, and (what indeed I should most exceedingly deprecate) its conclusions, if not its general spirit, alien to those of the English Church.
Besides correcting a few oversights, — more, however, and less excusable than I could have wished, — those changes are mostly confined to that portion of the work which deals with the intention of the final revisers of the Prayer-book on which point, as far as I have gone hitherto, all additional researches have tended only to strengthen our case. I could not be without misgivings, when I found that some of those, whom I am bound on all accounts deeply to respect, thought the treatise incorrect in reasoning, and (what indeed I should most exceedingly deprecate) its conclusions, if not its general spirit, alien to those of the English Church.

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