The Mirror of the Sea

The Mirror of the Sea
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Joseph Conrad
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. A Departure is not What a vain people of landsmen may. Think. The term Land fall is more easily understood; you fall in with the land, and it is a matter of a quick eye and of a clear atmosphere. The De parture is not the ship's going away from her port any more than the Landfall can be looked upon as the synonyme of arrival. But there is this difference in the Departure: that the term does not imply so much a sea event as a definite act entailing a process the precise observation of certain landmarks by means of the compass-card.
A Departure is not What a vain people of landsmen may. Think. The term Land fall is more easily understood; you fall in with the land, and it is a matter of a quick eye and of a clear atmosphere. The De parture is not the ship's going away from her port any more than the Landfall can be looked upon as the synonyme of arrival. But there is this difference in the Departure: that the term does not imply so much a sea event as a definite act entailing a process the precise observation of certain landmarks by means of the compass-card.

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