What Baptists Believe

What Baptists Believe
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The New Hampshire Confession, an Exposition
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O. C. S. Wallace
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. There are many repetitions. These are connected with those fundamental truths which relate themselves closely to several of the articles. For this reason, and because the whole purpose here is to teach, and repetition is necessary in teaching, there has been no attempt to avoid repetition. Each chapter is divided into numbered sections, and at the close of the chapter there are questions corresponding to these sections. Those who wish to study ih Scriptures upon which the declarations of the New Hampshire Confession are based will find them indicated in connection with the several articles. These articles are printed before the corresponding chapters.
There are many repetitions. These are connected with those fundamental truths which relate themselves closely to several of the articles. For this reason, and because the whole purpose here is to teach, and repetition is necessary in teaching, there has been no attempt to avoid repetition. Each chapter is divided into numbered sections, and at the close of the chapter there are questions corresponding to these sections. Those who wish to study ih Scriptures upon which the declarations of the New Hampshire Confession are based will find them indicated in connection with the several articles. These articles are printed before the corresponding chapters.

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