The Great Lone Land

The Great Lone Land
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A Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North West of America
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William Francis Butler
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Upon his return to his tribe he remained silent and impassive his days were spent in smoking, his evenings in quiet contemplation he spoke not of his adventures in the land of the great white medicine-man. But at length the tribe grew discontented; they had expected to hear the recital of the wonders seen by their chief, and 10! He had come back to them as silent as though his wander Ings had ended on the Coteau of the Missouri, or by the borders of the kitchi-gami. Their discontent found vent in words.
Upon his return to his tribe he remained silent and impassive his days were spent in smoking, his evenings in quiet contemplation he spoke not of his adventures in the land of the great white medicine-man. But at length the tribe grew discontented; they had expected to hear the recital of the wonders seen by their chief, and 10! He had come back to them as silent as though his wander Ings had ended on the Coteau of the Missouri, or by the borders of the kitchi-gami. Their discontent found vent in words.

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